the power of sunday papers!
I love Sundays- no alarm clocks!
1. Haul arse out of bed,
2. Clean mouth
* think up ways of capturing animal that surreptitiously craps in mouth
3. bottoms up the alkaseltzer- or whatever rememdy that works... not choosy at this point
4. cold juice
5. pick up my numerous sunday papers from door
*swear never to touch another drink while bending over precariously
6. back to bed.
*please note: the only constant is the sunday papers- other activities maybe slotted in at will
The rejuvenation begins; it is foolproof- well, was; until the bloody high school reunion headlines screaming not only from the front page but the entire bloody paper- (even Baz!- beef)
There's another one coming I am informed; Ntare! why?!!!!