E-the pre-sex boyfriend- i learnt how to cook (i am darn good now)- he dared me and i went went like bring it on- and dashed to my friend's place, who taught me how to cook spaghetti and mince meat. he brought out the best in me- then... he rewaltzed into my life hoping for lessons in sex... eeeh
M- the first non-starter in my life;
body language "hello! i am throwing myself at you here- you wouldnt know p***y if it sat on your face!"
M: "pass the salt"
there have been a few afterwards, I must admit it was kinda cute (once upon a time!!) but... dont have the energy luv!
R- m's friend who became my first shag and and lesson in heartbreak, heartache and consequently, the rebound.
P- was a case of date rape; had it out with him 2 ys later, insulted him and told him to 'go to hell', and felt the weight lift off my shoulders, wasnt as exhilarating when I received the news 6 months, that he had died in a car crash - and FYI i was oceans away from him, dont get ur imagination a-ticking.
V- my first dump- that wasnt the problem, this was ;"it's not you *deep sigh* it is me.."
i was like hell no! you did not just use my line on me! Was in shock, then decided to get even; wormed my way back into his life and dumped him- hahaaaaa who's laughing now! i feel ... i feel just eeeh nothing?... well will do happy dance anyway; take that!
B- most experimental shag- but least ambitious partner... just wouldnt work
P- we should have been; wont take anything for 'guaranteed'(see granted) again. we see each other about once or twice a year, and we have both moved on, in a fleeting moment of familiarity encumbered by our different lives now, and the question still hangs ...
"what happened?..when..how... who?"
J- had learnt my lesson from P well and this was memorable, *sigh* too bad we were going different places as in geographically, timezone speaking but still- *singing ...i had the time of my life* and no it isnt ironic that it was theme song to dirty dancing - the movie for chrissake
H- my first and i hope the very last premature ejaculator! *crossing myself*- I am doing a good deed a day to keep this terrible misfortune out of my next lives.
M- you still make my heart skip a bit, ok well it's like trippin all over the place... maybe I will blog about u sometime...